The Benefits of Playing Baseball

Yasser Brenes
3 min readJan 11, 2022


Baseball is one of America’s favorite pastimes. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Heart Association recommend playing baseball for moderate to vigorous exercise.

Playing baseball works the arms, thighs, and lower legs and improves reaction time and hand-eye coordination. You can gain strength and cardiovascular benefits by running, catching, throwing, and hitting with a bat. Playing the game also has other benefits, such as boosting your mood, improving attentiveness, and enhancing mental health.

Baseball helps develop your hand-eye coordination. Both pitchers and batters need excellent hand-eye coordination to excel at the game. They must first wait, then look before throwing or hitting. The pitcher must be aware of the batsman’s vulnerability and position while throwing the ball with a suitable pace and swing.

On the other hand, the batsman carefully observes whether the ball is in the striking zone or not and then hits the ball at the proper spot and position. Additionally, if you are a fielder, you need to calculate the ball’s drop and how fast or slow it runs to that spot. As a result, you must look at where you can catch or retrieve the ball.

Swinging a baseball bat and throwing and catching a baseball use the complete upper body. Swinging the bat also can increase flexibility. Additionally, your legs receive excellent exercise. Changing directions when you run helps develop strength in your legs. Squatting is an exercise for the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles.

Batters who run the bases, outfielders who run to catch a fly ball, and catchers who chase foul balls get brief bursts of cardiovascular exercise, an activity that raises your heart rate. Cardio exercise strengthens the heart muscle and expands lung capacity. According to the CDC, adults should get 150 minutes of cardiac exercise per week.

According to Mayo Clinic, one hour of baseball can burn 365 calories for a person weighing 160 pounds. The more you weigh, the more calories you will burn as your body works harder to complete the exercise. Physical activity stimulates your metabolism, helping your body burn calories and reduce body fat throughout the day. Baseball players also need to run frequently, particularly during training sessions, burning up to 600 calories per hour.

Physical activity also releases endorphins, which alleviate pain and help you maintain a positive state of mind. Thus, baseball also functions in this manner to alleviate pain and melancholy.

Baseball is an outdoor sport, and research shows that outdoor activities increase overall mood and alleviate stress. Further, you receive vitamin D from the sun, which is critical for your health.

Physical activity improves the quality of sleep. If you play baseball regularly, you will sleep more deeply. As a result, you’ll feel better when you awake.

In the broad scheme of things, baseball is not a fast-paced sport. When you are not batting or jogging the bases, you are standing in the outfield. You may also be sitting in the dugout. That demands patience and concentration to keep up with what is going on in the game. Baseball teaches you how to wait your turn, keep track of the score, the number of outs, and who is batting. All the while, they are shouting and supporting their comrades.

Finally, baseball is a team sport. You can make new friends and maintain social connections by playing baseball. Social activities are known to benefit mental health.



Yasser Brenes

A member of the Republic Services team in Phoenix, Yasser Josue Brenes serves as vice president of customer zeal.